
Articles for light reading, a more general explanation of terms, supplement groups, drug categories and others.

Does Symplex F Increase Estrogen?

Please read our full review of Simplex F here. Estrogen is a hormone that regulates the reproductive cycle and plays an important role in maintaining bone health. Unfortunately, estrogen levels decrease…

How To Reduce Arsenic In Rice [Light Reading]

Rice is a staple of the diet of millions of people around the world. But it’s also a commonly-consumed source of arsenic exposure, which can cause long-term health problems. In…

Amino Acids For Bodybuilders [Light Reading]

For those looking to gain muscle, amino acids are a must. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are essential for muscle growth, repairing tissues, making enzymes and…

Nootropics, The Smart Drugs [Light Reading]

Nootropics are often called “smart drugs” because they can enhance cognitive function. For example, they have been shown to improve memory, focus, and concentration and help reduce anxiety and depression.…

Fatty Acids Explained [Light Reading]

The human body needs fatty acids to function properly. Fatty acids are a group of compounds that contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They can be found in all organic molecules,…

What Do Multivitamins Do [Light Reading]

Vitamins are a supplement you can get from food and water, but also as a pill. Vitamins are essential for healthy living and may help prevent some diseases. For example,…